Friday, October 28, 2005

Went to dealer to get a few things fixed

At 1037 miles it was time to return to the dealer to have a few things fixed. When we bought the vehicle we noticed a clip was missing at the bottom of the driver's side door. This caused the lower side panel to pop out slightly. During this visit they also adjusted the hood as it was very hard to close. The liftgate was also realigned. When facing the back of the vehicle I noticed that the gap on the right side was at least twice as wide as the left side. It was big enough to put your finger in. Finally, they tightened up the lower seat cushion on the front passenger seat. I noticed it had many stretch marks that were non-existent on the driver's side. Pacific Ford in Long Beach, CA was great at taking care of everything and putting me in a 2004 Explorer loaner while they worked on the vehicle. It took two days to get everything done but it was all completed as promised.


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